


Resources defines the list of Event Resources that may be accessed when scheduling any type of Event. These may be conference rooms, smaller meeting rooms, books or media, an organization owned van, booster or car seats, or even medical equipment like wheelchairs and crutches. Anything that may be limited in supply with the potential for concurrent demand during services or events would benefit from being listed as a resource.

Add a Resource

Get started by clicking the blue plus "+" to Add a Resource.

Add a Resource

Enter the Resource name and click the blue SAVE to add. 

Edit Resource Details

Saving the resource name displays the Edit Details screen for the new resource.

1. Name -  This is the name entered during the add process. It may be up to 50 characters maximum length.

2. Description - The description gives added information about the resource. It may be up to 255 characters maximum length.

3. Type - Use the drop-down list to select the resource type. This list is defined in Configuration>Setup>Define Lists>Event Resource Types.

4. Capacity - The number of clients and/or staff the resource can accommodate. A conference room might be 20. A single car seat would be 1. In the example, the 12 passenger van has a capacity of 12.

5. Availability - Enter a Start and End Date in the Availability section to determine the active date range for the Resource.

  • Start Date is the first date the Resource is available for use.
  • End Date is the last date the Resource is available for use.
  • For example, if a current meeting room is being converted into storage space, End Date the room for the beginning of the conversion process so it is no longer available to schedule.

6. Remember to click SAVE when finished entering resource information.

Edit a Resource

To edit a resource, select the resource name from the Search list to display the Edit Details screen. Make any required changes, additions, or edits to any of the fields. Remember to click SAVE when finished editing resource information.

Mon, 07/12/2021 - 13:07